Infinite Loop :: Joke: Sick Leave Joke: Sick Leave :: Thu, Apr 14, 2005. Hung Chow calls in to work and says, "Hey , boss I not come work today, I really sick. I got headache, stomach ache and ...
Talk:Infinite loop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ![edit]. The joke here (for the non-computer-programmer) is that infinite loop links to endless loop which links to infinite loop which links ...
Best Programming Jokes - DevTopics 6 May 2008 ... It's so fast, it executes an infinite loop in 6 seconds. ..... That first joke is just offensive — seriously, programmers are introverts (they don't even ...
programming jokes | Soliloquy 23 May 2008 ... It's so fast, it executes an infinite loop in 6 seconds. **********. Two bytes meet. The first byte asks, “Are you ill?” The second byte replies, “No, ...
What's the best programming joke that you know? : AskReddit 22 Aug 2013 ... ... be voted on. I see you've never needed to write a loop in assembly code. ...... If you like jokes about infinite loops, this comment's really good.
Programmer Jokes: Is it really that obvi - C++ Forum - I already know I'm dumb in regards to jokes, but someone told me this joke ... it was kinda obvious: while (out) { buy(bread); } is an infinite loop.
The Ultimate Top 25 Chuck Norris “The Programmer” Jokes There can never be a Soviet Russia joke on Chuck Norris. Even in Soviet .... He create a computer that executes an infinite loop in just 3 seconds. Angie on ...
Programming jokes | Qt Project forums | Qt Project Have you heard about the new Cray super computer? It's so fast, it executes an infinite loop in 6 seconds. Sounds like a joke one of my ...
Programmer Jokes: Is it really that obvious? - C Board I already know I'm dumb in regards to jokes, but someone told me this joke was obvious ... Do you understand the notion of an infinite loop?